Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Marco Polo Exhibit at Fernbank

As an extra credit opportunity, students may visit the Marco Polo exhibit currently being presented at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History and write-up a short review of it (500 words or more; typed and double-spaced; summarizing the exhibit, relating it’s content to the CollegeBoard Key Concepts for AP World History and critiquing its effectiveness/authenticity).  I will gladly award up to 10 test points for quality reviews of the exhibit.  This assignment is due and will be collected Monday, December 16th.  Some questions you should use to guide your writing include: What were your impressions of the exhibit?  How did the exhibit relate to what we are supposed to know about Polo according to the CollegeBoard Course Description for AP World History?  What evidence leads you to believe that Polo actually traveled to China or that he did not?  What were your likes and dislikes regarding the exhibit?  Would you recommend the exhibit to your peers?  Was there any new information that you learned about at the exhibit that you found interesting?

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